International Sports and Leisure History Research Team (SpLeish)
MMU Sports and Leisure History researchers are based within the Department of Exercise and Sport Science on the Cheshire campus in Crewe, although they also have significant links with the Department of History, Politics and Philosophy, and the Manchester Centre for Regional History, as well as the Institute of Humanities and Social Science Research.
British Society of Sports History
British Society of Sports History work includes activities as diverse as encouragement of research within and beyond academic settings, support for the preservation of the sporting record, collaboration with the museum and heritage sector, promotion of the study of the history of sport in higher and further education as well as by those in secondary school, and engagement with the broader public media.
European Committee for Sports History
CESH coordinates European projects on the history of physical education and sport to assure a better European and international cooperation. In particular, it helps in the exchange of ideas, students and staff between European universities, to assure a high standard of teaching in sport history, help young scholars in developing a European dimension of their work and prepare a European doctorate in sport history.
Australian Society for Sports History
ASSH was founded in 1983 at the fourth Sporting Traditions Conference. It has since then grown to be one of the world’s largest sports history organisations.
North American Society for Sport History
The purpose of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) is to promote, stimulate, and encourage the study of the history of sport; to support, stimulate and encourage scholarly writing and research related to the history of sport; and to cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purpose.
Leisure Studies Association aims to foster research in Leisure Studies; to promote interest in Leisure Studies and advance education in this field; to encourage debate through publications, and an international journal Leisure Studies; to stimulate the exchange of ideas on contemporary leisure issues; to disseminate knowledge of Leisure Studies to create the conditions for better-informed decisions by policy makers.