Ella Williams, sports feminist and postgraduate research student at the University of Edinburgh is exploring Girls’ experiences of Football in PE. Ella is combining her academic studies with her passion for the football to help work towards creating equal opportunities for girls in the game and breaking down gender stereotypes.

She is the creator or Futfemreflect, a project which has the overall aim of increasing girls’ participation in football. Ella is currently exploring the Mexico 1971 Women’s World Cup with members of the England squad, a World Cup that is still to be officially acknowledged by the FA. These women are the pioneers of the sport and deserve recognition for the part they have played, quite literally, in the history of Women’s football.

In a series of podcasts Ella interviews Chris Lockwood, Gill Sayell and Leah Caleb who played for England in the 1971 Women’s World Cup. In this first podcast they are chatting about their experiences growing up playing football. There’s some really important and relevant themes and Ella really believes it’s so important that boys, girls, men and women learn about what it means to be a woman in a (sporting) world where you’re not equal to men.

Next week the trio will be chatting  to Ella about their World Cup experience in Mexico!


Hope you enjoy!

Article and podcast © Ella Williams 



To listen to Part 2 – click HERE